Everything You Need To Know About Termite Swarmers & How To Protect Your Home From Them

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Heather Jones
Heather Jones
I'm Heather, an author passionate about home improvements. My writing is your guide to making homes better. Let's explore easy ways to enhance your living spaces, from small fixes to exciting projects. Join me on a journey of making your house a cozy and stylish haven.

Termites are dangerous and it’s not because they carry diseases or will bite you because they don’t and they won’t. But, they do enjoy eating cellulose-based products, such as the wood in your home. 

A typical termite colony numbers thousands and works from underneath your home. In other words, it can be a long time before you know they are there and, by the time you realize, they can have done a significant amount of damage. 

This is one of the main reasons you should have a reputable pest control company inspect your property at least once a year. They will identify any pest issues, including termites, and help you take care of them. 

What you may not realize is that termite swarmers are a great way to tell you that you have an issue. 

Termite Swarmers

Termites don’t generally have wings. However, the colony is divided into different groups, such as the queen, the workers, and the fertile termites that create new colonies.

The only termites that have wings are the fertile ones. This enables them to leave the colony to find a mate and create a new colony. 

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Interestingly, in many cases the new colony is near the old one, colonies can co-exist happily together. 

All the fertile termites or termite swarmers leave the nest together, hence the term ‘swarmers’. This generally happens during the spring as the weather starts to warm up. People often mistake the flying termites for flying ants. 

Once the swarmers have found a mate and mated they will land to start a new colony. At this point, they lose their wings. 

If you find a collection of wings in your home then you may have a termite issue. You should get your home inspected, check out here for a local and reputable inspector.

It’s worth noting, wings or swarmers inside your home suggest an active colony in your home. If they are in the yard then the active colony is probably outside but near your home. 

Protecting Your Home From Swarmers

Termites are attracted to wood as they eat it to survive. Of course, it is difficult to remove all the wood from your home. But, you can do the following to protect your home.

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Check regularly

Your annual inspection helps to see if your home has termites but you should also visually inspect your home monthly. If you spot paint bubbling, softwood, swarmer wings, or any other sign of termites, take immediate action.

Avoid standing water

Termites need to stay moist and they need water to survive. If you make sure there is no standing water and all drainage is correctly angled away from your home, it is instantly less appealing to the termites. 

Replace damaged wood

If you have any damaged wood this will be even moiré attractive to termites. That’s why you should remove it and replace it as quickly as possible.

Seal gaps

Finally, don’t forget to inspect the outside of your home; especially around windows and doors. You’ll want to seal all the gaps to prevent termites and other pests from getting in.

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