5 Tips To Prepare Your Home For Holidays

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Heather Jones
Heather Jones
I'm Heather, an author passionate about home improvements. My writing is your guide to making homes better. Let's explore easy ways to enhance your living spaces, from small fixes to exciting projects. Join me on a journey of making your house a cozy and stylish haven.

The holidays are upon us and it is the perfect time to create new memories with our family and friends. Having spent more than a year in a pandemic, all of us are looking forward to spending some time with our near and dear ones. However, it can become stressful if you are not organized or well prepared. If you only focus on the key tasks at the start, you will not have to put in a lot of time doing damage control and you will be able to enjoy yourself. Here are a few tips to help get your home ready for the holidays. 

1. De-clutter

The first step is to de-clutter as much as you can. Each season should be about emptying closets and different areas in the home. All of us are hoarders and we have ample things that we no longer use. There is something about deep cleaning that will give you a sense of peace. Start by getting rid of the clutter in the house and you will get a satisfying feeling in no time. Before you deep clean the house, it is important to de-clutter it. Get rid of the things you no longer need and give them away to charity. With a de-cluttered space, there will be an illusion of it looking clean even if it isn’t. 

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2. Get your kitchen ready

Your kitchen is always the heart of your home and this is where lies the smell of cookies and other treats. You will spend a lot of time baking sweets for your family in the kitchen and a lot of your time in the holiday season will be spent here. Hence, you must clean it thoroughly before you set out to bake. Purge the drawers and start to deep clean the appliances. You can also invest in a few accessories that can help give a new look to the kitchen like new table clothes or a set of coffee mugs. Do not wait to start preparing until you are in the middle of it. If you start now, you will be able to reduce a lot of clutter and avoid stress later on. 

3. Clean and forget

You can now start thinking about cleaning the space that has not been cleaned throughout the year. You must clean the windows, light fixtures, outdoor spaces, dining room, and the living room where you expect guests. But you do not need to do it all at once, spread it out over a few weeks. So, when the holidays are here, there will be nothing left for you to clean. You can then forget about these big projects and focus on having fun. Plan a weekend where you wash the blackout curtains, another weekend to wash windows, and then deep clean the kitchen.

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4. Bring on the festive touch

Once the home is thoroughly cleaned, it is time to decorate it. Do not push this until the last day. You will be busy juggling a lot of other things and you will not have enough time to decorate the home. Instead, try to handle it early when it is manageable and get the decor up at the right time. You can then add a few festive touches at the end moment. People start as early as Thanksgiving to decorate the home for Christmas. It not only brings the holiday feel but also allows enough time to manage the decorations well. If you wait for too long, you could get very busy and will barely manage to get the tree up. 

5. Get the essentials

Whether you are planning to travel during the holidays or have guests over, it is important to stock up on the essentials. There are some things you always need to keep handy including paper towels, snacks, a few drinks, tea, coffee, etc. Even if the guests bring food, it is never a bad idea to be prepared. Head to the supermarket about a week in advance and stock up on all that you need. If children are accompanying adults, you might want to get them a few sweets and gifts. Those who are planning to host guests overnight will need to stock up on the toiletries to ensure that they have a comfortable stay. 

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These tips will help get your home ready for the holidays. Remember to relax and do not get overwhelmed with the tasks on hand. You can take one day at a time and start early. Even if you are not hosting any guests, a little cleaning will go a long way. If you complete the tasks well in time, you will have enough time to relax and enjoy the festive season before you gear up for a new year. 

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