Why You Should Get Self Storage in Wimbledon for Your Open House

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Heather Jones
Heather Jones
I'm Heather, an author passionate about home improvements. My writing is your guide to making homes better. Let's explore easy ways to enhance your living spaces, from small fixes to exciting projects. Join me on a journey of making your house a cozy and stylish haven.

Are you ready to sell your house? Whether you are moving to a more spacious property or downsizing to a smaller flat – nothing is in motion until you get rid of the first one. How else would you be able to afford the new place? 

Getting ready to sell a house is a major undertaking for you and your family. You have to decide whether you are handling the sale yourself or getting a real estate agency. You have to figure out if you want to make improvements to bump up the price or sell it as is. There are hundreds of little things you have to decide, and getting a self storage unit for your open house is one of them. 

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Why Get Self Storage In Wimbledon?

London is not the most forgiving city, especially when it comes to space. It is notoriously known for having some of the smallest floor plans in the country. You always need to have your belongings organised in a specific way to get the most out of each square footage. 

If you live in the southwest part of London – a self storage unit in Wimbledon can be your go-to solution. It allows you to have the space you need at an affordable rate, and when it comes to open houses, you need a lot of it. 

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Open houses are all about creating a good impression. It is your one chance to showcase everything the house has to offer. You need to be able to do 3 things: 

  1. Highlight all its strengths.
  2. Gloss over its weaknesses.
  3. Allow people to envision their life in the space. 

It’s all about tapping into the house’s potential and telling buyers that your place is a strong contender. You can’t make this happen if your home is not in its best shape. 

Get your place open-house ready with a self storage unit! Here are 4 reasons why you should invest in a self storage unit in Wimbledon: 

Clear Your Home Of All The Clutter

Your open house is all about setting the stage. It needs to be bare enough for clients to imagine their lives in it, but with a good-enough framework to help the less creative ones. The cheapest and easiest way to make that happen is to use what you have. Clear your home of all the clutter and do a bit of organising.

You can move all your bulky and non-essential items to your storage unit. When you do so, you get rid of the mess and free up a ton of space at the same time. With the clutter out of the way, your home is now a workable canvas. 

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Create A Picture-Perfect Space

When you have an empty or decluttered home, you can work on creating an inviting atmosphere. Remember, you are not just trying to sell the house and its bare bones. You’re trying to sell the idea of living in the space. 

Most of the time, real estate agencies and homeowners hire an interior designer to make it happen. People even rent nicer furniture to help with the staging. 

If you want to use what you have on hand, you can toss everything that doesn’t fit with the aesthetic into your storage unit. You can work with a tighter colour scheme to set the tone and mood. 

But, you may opt to go the extra mile and rent furniture to help attract your target buyer. You can get more upscale pieces to dress up your place. If you are going to replace all your belongings for the open house, a self storage unit is a must. You need the space to keep your items until you get a decent offer.

Whether you use what you have on hand or not, a self storage unit makes it easier for you to plan and execute a cohesive design. 

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Show Potential Buyers What They Can Do

The goal of every open house is to convince people that they would enjoy living on the property. Besides meeting their needs, the space should invite them to think about what they can do and who they can be. The design should not just consider the colours and finishes – but the functionality of each room. 

For example, if you are trying to sell a house in Wimbledon – you can target growing families or newly-weds. Besides featuring the countertops and fixtures, you can highlight the potential in each of the rooms. You can stage a play area, nursery, or even a game room. 

Again, a self storage unit makes sure there is room for all of this. You cannot make a very convincing work-from-home set up if you have an elliptical and barbells in the same room. It would ruin the illusion. 


If you prefer private showings over open houses, you can take this a step further. Instead of settling on one wow-factor for all your potential buyers – you can customise the space with them in mind. For example, a spare bedroom can become a man cave or office for child-free couples. And it can switch to a child’s bedroom or playroom for a young family. With a self storage unit nearby, you can easily make the changes. 

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Keep Expensive And Valuable Items Separate

A self storage unit is not only helpful in setting the open house, but ensuring that your personal items stay secure. Open houses attract a crowd of people. Some of them may be genuinely interested, but you cannot discount the people who come for fun. You cannot watch all the guests, so it is best to keep your valuables in a separate location. A storage unit takes care of that. 

Ultimately, a storage unit can be a great short-term rental when you are selling your house. It is very versatile and can help you create a great first impression. Whether it is private showings or open houses, don’t forget to invest in extra storage!

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