There are few things as bothersome as fleas infesting your home. Fleas are minute, agile and jumpy, and they multiply rapidly, meaning you need to get them under control sooner rather than later!
Due to increasing temperatures, more insects are appearing in Australia, and for pest control Melbourne residents need to tackle this issue as soon as possible. You may enjoy having loving pets around, but unfortunately they are the main carriers of fleas.
Dogs in particular pick up fleas outside and from getting into contact with other animals. Fleas can also catch a ride on your cats that go wandering in the outdoors! However, they’re not the only ones to blame. As humans, you can also bring fleas into your home, carrying them on your shoes and clothes. These miniature creatures can wage war quickly on your home, so you better fight back fast!
When do Fleas Appear?
Fleas are resilient, meaning they can withstand many conditions and temperatures. However, they may have difficulty surviving extreme winter periods when temperatures drop significantly.
They tend to thrive in the early Spring, Summer and Autumn months, with their eggs and larvae often being able to survive all year round. This is why you need to always be on the lookout for these pests!
Read on as we explore some of the best ways to get rid of these irritating insects.
Maintenance of All Soft Fabrics
Some of the prime areas where fleas like to live are materials with dense fabrics and fibres such as carpets and mats. You can fight the spread by rubbing and sprinkling baking soda over these surfaces before giving it a thorough scrub and vacuum. A simple vacuum-clean will help to get many pest infestations under control, but baking soda will help to alleviate the problem even better.
Likewise, fleas may also flourish in other softer materials such as couches, cushions, your pets’ beds and your own bedding. You can sprinkle salt over these areas, which works in a similar way to baking soda. Salt is better because it is natural and doesn’t consist of chemicals that may ruin certain materials.
Additionally, salt absorbs water and other fluids and acts as a dehydration agent against pests. Since pests often like moist, mouldy areas, it’s best to keep your home’s interior dry as possible.
After you’ve sprinkled salt, leave it to settle for a couple of days before vacuuming it up.
Use Lemon Spray
Not only will lemon spray make your home smell fresher and cleaner, but it is a reliable and natural detergent against fleas as well. Lemon is highly acidic, making it is a solid weapon against many pests.
Acids act as a poison against fleas. Upon exposure, inhalation or digestion, it kills their insides and erodes their exoskeletons. Lemon is ever so pleasing for humans, but deadly as they come for fleas!
You can create your own home remedy of lemon spray by:
- Cutting a slice of lemon and placing it in a pan
- Adding boiling water to it before letting it sit for several hours
- Then pouring the lemon-infused liquid into a spray bottle
- Spraying the liquid lightly on to any possible affected areas such as chairs, cushions, couches, carpets, mats and pet beds
It’s as simple as that!
Use Rosemary Spray
Very similar to lemon, rosemary is another natural remedy to deter fleas, but more specifically from your pets’ fur. The strong and pungent aromas are enough to repel these.
Rosemary is non-toxic and even a common ingredient in dog shampoos.
You simply need to boil some rosemary with water in a pot and let it settle overnight, before draining the liquid into a spray bottle the following morning. During this process you should make sure none of the rosemary sprigs fall into the bottle in order to retain the liquid’s purity.
Whenever you wash your dogs, apply the spray to their fur afterwards and with cats you can apply it anytime as you please. Rosemary doesn’t necessarily kill fleas, but it acts as a shield and is good for flea pest control.
Wash All Bedding the Right Way
If you’re wary that a flea infestation may develop, consider washing your bedding thoroughly. Wash them in hot, soapy water as the soap will kill all the existing fleas, as well as their larvae and eggs.
Additionally, you could vacuum your mattress for more assurance, and you shouldn’t forget to do the same with your pets’ beds as well.
Moreover, you can also use a steam cleaner to clean your carpets, beds and pet beds. This is effective because the combination between high heat, water vapour and soap would eliminate flea masses rapidly.
Your home is supposed to be a place of relaxation and comfort, and you wouldn’t want to jeopardise that with the unwelcome arrival of pests. Pets are also there to be loved and cared for so they too shouldn’t be made the scapegoats for any flea infestation.
If you tackle this issue as soon as possible it will prevent further spread and future infestations from inconveniencing you down the line. Always be vigilant and win the war against pests!