7 Reliable Tips to Make Moving into Your First Apartment a Breeze

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Heather Jones
Heather Jones
I'm Heather, an author passionate about home improvements. My writing is your guide to making homes better. Let's explore easy ways to enhance your living spaces, from small fixes to exciting projects. Join me on a journey of making your house a cozy and stylish haven.

Moving into your first apartment can be both exciting and stressful all at once. Chances are you’ve been getting advice from just about everyone about what you’ll need and what you should and shouldn’t be doing.

As you start gathering items for your apartment, you might be wishing you had some luxury hotel furniture to begin with. The good news is that, with a little planning, setting up your first apartment is easier than you think.

Pointers To Keep In Mind As You Plan Your First Big Move

Moving into your first apartment is without a doubt your ticket into the adult world. Our experts have compiled a list of tips to help you make the move easy and fun. If you’re planning your first move, keep reading!

Start Saving Money as Early As Possible

We should start by saying that living on your own can be challenging if you haven’t saved enough money to get into the apartment in the first place! If your situation allows, you should start saving money as early as possible.

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Keep in mind that you’ll need money for security deposits, utility expenses and monthly rental. Ideally, you should also start a “rainy day fund” for days or months when times are tough. Keeping the money in an empty coffee tin might tempt you into using it for other reasons. It’s also at risk of being stolen. A good recommendation is to open a separate bank account where you can deposit the money. Speak to your local bank for the best savings account that can also draw interest.

Decide on a Place to Live

Before you just up and move out, it’s important to consider the area you want to move to. For the most part, this factor is largely decided by where you’ll be working and sometimes whether public transport is available in that area. Start by checking out the suburbs surrounding your workplace.

Opt for reasonable rent and speak to other tenants about the average utility amount. This will give you an idea of what to expect.

Choose the Right Furniture

It’s not easy saving money for your security deposit as well as buying furniture. There are some options to consider. One of them is to check with family members for any items they’re no longer using.

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If you pick the right area, landlords may have invested in apartment furniture packages to kit out the whole building. Therefore, view the apartment first so you know what’s available on site and what you still need to buy.

Work on Your Budget

If you’ve already received your first salary, it might be tempting to spend a lot of money on items for your apartment. Our experts recommend drawing up a budget and sticking to it. Expenses can easily spiral out of control if you’re not strict on spending. If you have money left over after paying your monthly bills, it’s a good idea to add some of it to your rainy day fund.

Plan the Move

If you’re new to moving, you’ll soon discover that not organising your move will leave you with a hot mess on your hands. Take some time to plan the day as well as the days leading up to it:

  • Decide who will assist.
  • When will each task be done?
  • Will you use a moving company?
  • Arrange a specific day for relatives, or stores to deliver furniture to your apartment. That way you won’t have everything happen at once.
  • Hang curtains a day or two before you move in.
  • Ask friends to help you move the smaller items.
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Declutter Before You Move

Decluttering before a move is not a recommendation but a MUST. Hauling excess items around with you is not only tiring but can affect the moving expenses. Some common decluttering tips include:

  • Donate old clothes that you no longer wear to your local charity
  • Sort through documents and only keep the necessary ones – create a digital backup for safety
  • Only keep the necessary linens and blankets – donate any excess

Label Your Boxes

Making your move as easy and quick as possible should always be your ultimate goal. Start packing in advance and always pack “like with like”. This means, packing your kitchen items in a separate box from your lounge ornaments. That way it will be easy to unpack once you’re in your apartment.

A pro tip is to keep a visual image of the available space in your apartment as you’re packing. You’ll be able to know beforehand if you’re going to need additional cupboards or shelves, depending on what furniture the landlord added already.

Final Thought

Moving out of your parental home is a leap toward adulthood. The more organised you are, the simpler it will be and the better you’ll feel about this new stage in life. No need to feel overwhelmed by chaos!

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The secret is planning well. Be sure to discuss your plan with your parents or older relatives. They may be able to give some valuable advice or suggestions to make the process even easier!

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