When trying to sell a high-value property, you must pay attention to every detail. To encourage someone to part with an awful lot of cash, you must guarantee that they have no questions whatsoever about the property. High-end buyers expect a lot more for their money, both in terms of the property and the service they receive.
The Good News
The great news is that there are a series of steps to follow to ensure that you get the best possible deal for your home. The first important step is to ensure that you choose the right realtor. Choose a realtor with a proven track record in making high-end property sales. This will mean that your property is marketed and priced appropriately. They should also help you establish the individual selling points of your home, which can be highlighted to the appropriate market.
A professional stager, such as Barion Design, is another great way to sell your property. A stager will help you identify the correct market for your home. They will then dress the property so that the chosen market can imagine themselves living there. This is especially important if you have quite an individual style or a theme running through your home. This theme might not match with the prospective buyers’ tastes. Remember not to take things personally if a stager wants to change things; we all have different preferences. Their job is to do whatever is best to market your home to the widest audience.
Once you have staged the property, you then need to ensure that you employ someone to take great photographs of it. A virtual tour of the property is an even better idea! At this stage, you could employ a marketing or printing agency to produce high-end marketing materials to help you find buyers. A marketing agency may also come up with a brand for your home. You can then use this branding to help sell your property.
It is unwise to sell a high-end property at an open house event. A prestigious property will encourage people to attend just to see what the property is like. You need to make the viewing of the house a special invitation-only experience. You can even offer champagne and canapes if it helps to secure a sale.
Everyone Loves a Freebie
Offering to leave a few pieces of exquisite furniture or an expensive painting might just help you make the sale. Everyone loves getting something for nothing. It may be that you intended to leave the piece anyway, but make sure that you emphasize that this is an added extra. This enables the buyer to feel respected and it may just clinch the deal.
Paying Upfront Costs Can Be Very Beneficial
Involving lots of different agencies might sound costly and time-consuming, but in this market, you need to speculate to accumulate. Paying these costs upfront could make a massive difference to the price that you get for your property, and you will get more than your money back.