6 Pests Most Likely To Invade Your Home

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Heather Jones
Heather Jones
I'm Heather, an author passionate about home improvements. My writing is your guide to making homes better. Let's explore easy ways to enhance your living spaces, from small fixes to exciting projects. Join me on a journey of making your house a cozy and stylish haven.

Insects or animals that cause problems for human beings are called pests. Pests can be a real problem as they can infest crops or make home life disruptive and basically just make things difficult. But there are methods through which we can get rid of them. Below we will discuss different types of pests and how to prevent them from becoming a part of your home.


Ants are probably the most common pests that are found in houses. They can make a home anywhere, in the walls, under the floors, walking in a single file over your shelf, over the kitchen or bathroom sink, etc. They cause problems such as food contamination, property damage, inflammation of skin because of biting and although they may seem a very small pest problem to have – you definitely don’t want to let them move in!



Cockroaches are the most common pests that cause infestations in houses. They are full of germs and carry different types of bacteria, including dangerous ones such as Salmonella and E. Coli, both of which are causative agents of food poisoning. They mostly make a home in the plumbing and the walls, and usually come out of their hiding places at night because they are nocturnal.

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Bed Bugs:

Bed bugs are another common pest these days. As seen in their name, they are found in beds, although that is certainly not the only place bed bugs hide. They are nocturnal, so they come out at night, and their primary source of food is their hosts, aka the humans sleeping in those beds. They feed on blood and leave bite marks behind on the skin, so if you wake up in the morning with small marks on your arms and it becomes a recurring thing, know that you have an infestation of bed bugs.

Bed Bugs


Mosquitoes can be found both inside and outside the house. Usually, they fly in through open windows or doorways. They can be very irritating as they buzz around your ears and leave nasty sores behind after they bite and suck your blood. But they can cause more serious illnesses like dengue and malaria, which can be very dangerous and have serious, even life-threatening, consequences.



Termites are pests that primarily attack wood. Thus, houses with wooden furnishings, floors, any sort of woodwork etc. are their favorites. They start out small, and then increase rapidly in number, causing an infestation that can literally leave nothing behind. They chew through and eat the wood, which may be food for them but is property damage for the people.

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Fleas can be a nightmare, especially if you are a pet owner. The constant itching, biting and whining can drive anyone mad, let alone a poor animal. And sadly, they can feast on you as well, causing the same symptoms. 

Before you think you’ll be safe from fleas because you don’t have any furry friends – know that it is completely possible to have fleas without pets. When it comes to houses, they can be found in carpets and other fabric areas, where they lay their eggs and cause massive infestations, which then require professional help to get rid of.


Methods of Prevention:

Now that we know about some common pests, let’s discuss the different methods that can be used to get rid of them, or prevent them from making a home in yours in the first place.

  • Routinely clean your home thoroughly, as they thrive in dirty areas.
  • Seal off any holes in the floors or walls, wherever they may be able to make a home.
  • Take out the garbage every day, as decaying or rotting things make good homes for them.
  • Keep your food and other edible products clean and covered, and store them in a cool, dry place.
  • Avoid moisture accumulation in your house, as it also attracts them.
  • Get rid of the things you do not need and lessen the clutter, so they don’t have anywhere to hide.
  • In some cases, pets can help catch and get rid of them.
  • Use insecticides and pesticides in extreme cases of infestation.

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