The A House was built in 2011 and it can be found in Buenos Aires, Argentina, boasting 490 square meters (5,274sq. ft.) of living space. The residence was designed by Lucas Mansilla and Adrián Govetto from GMARQ, who worked closely with the owners in order to make sure all important aspects of the house would coincide with their lifestyle and expectations. After careful planning and consideration, it was decided that the house would be built in a neighborhood called Las Liebres.
The layout emphasizes two well-defined areas, a public and a private one. The public area benefits from separate entrances and it is covered in stone. The private spaces are located on the first floor, featuring grey stucco finishes.
The A House offers privacy, luxury, exquisite facilities and accommodations that blend into a warm, welcoming and comfortable environment. It is a beautiful home to live in and a perfect place to raise a family.
Photos by Alejandro Peral