What does a building inspector look for in a house?

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Heather Jones
Heather Jones
I'm Heather, an author passionate about home improvements. My writing is your guide to making homes better. Let's explore easy ways to enhance your living spaces, from small fixes to exciting projects. Join me on a journey of making your house a cozy and stylish haven.

Having a building inspection done when purchasing a property is a good idea. After all, how else are you going to know whether the property is a good investment or even if you should walk away? 

It should be noted that a home inspection will ensure you are aware of any issues or impending concerns with the property. You can use this information to renegotiate the price and ensure you have the funds you need to resolve any issues. 

But, does the building inspector cover everything? They use a variety of tools, including dye penetrant testing, to assess the following things:


The inspector will look at the outside walls and the interior ones. Specifically, they will be looking for cracks. The larger and the longer the crack the more serious it could be. Alongside the visual inspection of walls, the inspector will look at the foundations. This can mean going into the basement or even under the house. Cracks in the foundations can be serious. This part of the inspection will also look at the damp-proof membrane to ensure it is intact. 

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A damaged membrane will allow rising damp in your home, leading to mold and structural issues

Finally, s part of the structural integrity the inspector will look at the roof structure. They will ensure the timber is sound and true without any visible leaks.

In some cases, they may even use infrared technology to assess where energy escapes from your property. It is a good way of seeing how much insulation and how energy-efficient a property is. 


Inside the property, the inspector will assess the fixed appliances. This is usually the heating system, ventilation systems, associated plumbing, and the electrics. 

These are some of the most dangerous systems in your home. Damaged wiring increases the risk of a house fire, while old plumbing in poor condition is more likely to give you leaks and even flood your home. 

The inspection will examine all the appliances, verify whether they work, and the condition of the various components. This will help you to decide whether things need to be replaced and to work out how much this will cost you. 

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Other Elements That Are Inspected

 The inspection also covers a visual examination of the inside of the property. This is usually where you will find the majority of issues. Fortunately, in most cases, these issues are small and not worth worrying about. 

After The Inspection

A building inspector doesn’t comment on the value of the home or whether you are paying a good price. This is for you to decide depending on what you think the property is worth before and after the work has been done.

You will need to consider what elements you can handle yourself and which will need to be done by the professionals. In fact, to make your decision it will be necessary to get estimates from professionals. This is the only way of knowing how much the property will cost to make good. But, all of this starts with the building inspection.

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