How to Climb a Ladder While Getting on the Roof Safely

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Heather Jones
Heather Jones
I'm Heather, an author passionate about home improvements. My writing is your guide to making homes better. Let's explore easy ways to enhance your living spaces, from small fixes to exciting projects. Join me on a journey of making your house a cozy and stylish haven.

Homeowners often have to get on the roof for gutter maintenance. Accessing the roof space will not be that difficult as it sounds, only when you have a premium quality ladder. If you don’t have one, I believe that Adjustersladder can help you find the right one with a glimpse.


Knowing the right tricks of ladder-climbing is necessary for all who want to avoid slip and fall injuries.

Climbing ladders can be risky, especially when the roof is too high.  So, how to get on the roof safely with a ladder? Are you looking for the right answer to this question? If yes, consider checking out this write up now!

Extension Ladder and Safety

Before you get on the roof with the extension ladder, it is necessary to wear a pair of shoes that has a strong grip. Anti-slip safety shoes are the best option when it comes to climbing ladders and accessing the roof space.

Weather is also a major factor. In order to stay on the safe side, homeowners need to choose a dry day for ladder climbing. Cleaning off debris and leaves from the roof may also minimize the risk of slip injuries.   

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Ladder Setup

In order to keep the extension ladder stable, you should place it on the even ground. Make sure the spot you have chosen is dry enough to keep the ladder from slipping. Using sheets of plywood is also a good option when it comes to creating a stable base.

Place the ladder against the wall to get the correct angle. If it is necessary, you may move the base and reposition it correctly. 

Ladder Climbing: The Safest Ways to Follow

Once you setup your extension ladder, it’s time to climb it and get on the roof safely. While climbing it, do not forget to ask a helper to hold it tightly. The climber should always face the ladder and hold the rungs tightly. Climb it slowly while holding the rungs with both hands. You can also use a cord or rope and secure it properly. This reduces slipping risks. 

Getting on the Roof

So, you have already climbed the ladder and now you have to get on the roof. Use both hands and hold on the ladder tightly. Now, you need to step around your ladder and set your foot on the roof. While getting off the roof, you should follow the same way and that is stepping around the ladder, rather than over the top. 

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Roof Safety

Once you access the roof space, you should be more careful. Using a roof safety harness is one of the best ways when it comes to reducing the risks of accidents. This safety gear is especially helpful on high roofs.

Have you gone through the above discussion? Hopefully, you have got the right answer to the question- how to get on the roof safely with a ladder? Now choose the best extension ladder as per your requirements and climb it safely to avoid the risks of fall and slip injuries. Selecting the right ladder is equally important when it comes to safety. So, do some research and choose your extension ladder wisely. 


Getting on the roof with an extension ladder is not that easy as it sounds, especially for those who do not know the ladder-climbing tricks. How to climb a ladder while moving on the roof safely? To get the correct answer to this question, check out this post now.

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