Tips For Being Sun Safe By The Pool This Summer

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Heather Jones
Heather Jones
I'm Heather, an author passionate about home improvements. My writing is your guide to making homes better. Let's explore easy ways to enhance your living spaces, from small fixes to exciting projects. Join me on a journey of making your house a cozy and stylish haven.

Summertime brings with it sunshine and trips to the beach. Jumping into a pool and getting that fresh vitamin D can do wonders for your physical and mental health. But too much of a good thing can lead to a bad time.

Skin cancer is the most common cancer worldwide and affects more than 3,00,000 people every single year. It’s important to exercise caution when lounging by the family pool. There are no safe UV rays. Protect your body and arm yourself with knowledge.

Heat, pollution, and infections can all wipe that glow off your skin and make it more vulnerable to damage. Remember, sun damage can also accumulate with time so ensure you give your body plenty of time to recover away from the sun. This article will dish out the best tips and tricks to stay safe under the sun this summer.

Slap on the sunscreen

The sun emits dangerous radiation that can give anyone a bad time in large doses. The UV rays emitted can tear at the delicate DNA strands in your body and cause cancer with enough accumulated damage.

So make sure you buy the right kind of sunscreen, one that protects against both UVA and UVB radiation. Look for a lotion with a sun protection factor(SPF) of at least 30. Broad spectrum sunscreens are what you want, and water-proof creams are a must if you go swimming.

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Children in particular should reapply strong sunscreens every 2 hours or so. More, if there is any contact with the water.

Getting a sunburn in your childhood causes serious trauma to your skin cells that your body doesn’t forget easily.

Get the right sunlight

All sunlight isn’t equal.

Always try to avoid the afternoon sun, as that’s when the most dangerous radiation is emitted. 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. marks the most intense period that offers the least benefit to your body. Morning sunlight that lasts from 6:00 a.m.-10:00 a.m. is superior.

You’ll feel yourself getting sleepy after lunch, and that’s when you should seek out the shade and enjoy a nice cozy nap instead.

Don’t let overcast skies fool you either. The clouds don’t even prevent 80% of the harmful radiation from reaching your body, so lather up your sunscreen, cloudy skies or not. If you’re ever on the ground and can’t see your own shadow, it’s time to grab some shade.

Afternoon skies also bake the ground the fastest and make for unpleasant walking on the beach.

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Sweating is a good sign that your body has plenty of fluids. Not sweating under an intense sun can mean you’re simply dehydrated, so don’t use lack of sweat as a sign that you’re cool.

The standard 8 glasses of water a day isn’t enough either. Overweight people need more water, just as all active people do. Ensure you get plenty of electrolytes such as potassium, magnesium, and sodium with your water to keep your body running at peak performance.

All foods contain a little water, and those count towards your daily fluid intake. Avoid dehydrating foods such as coffee and hard alcohol if you want to maintain peak hydration levels. Remember to hydrate before your swim, during your swim, and after your swim for maximum comfort.

Wear the right clothing

The right pair of sunglasses can save your eyes. Protective clothing is more important in the heat than ever. Long sleeves and breathable fabrics are extremely important along with clothes that come with ultraviolet protection factors listed on their labels.

A wide-brimmed hat allows you to tolerate the heat and now there are even UV umbrellas that can block out the sun and provide shade on-demand.

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Simply cover as much of your skin as possible and choose long flowing clothes for the best heat dissipation.

Know your UV index

The UV index is a super important resource that broadcasts the different UV levels throughout the day. Go poolside on days with lower UV indexes and stay in on days with high UV indexes. Every country has their own UV index broadcast that is announced in all the different languages of their regions. Know your country’s UV forecast authorities and where to find them to plan your day. People with more sensitive, pale skin should take more precautions and be aware of their region’s UV index.

Check yourself

Most skin cancers can be treated well if caught early. If you find yourself with a new mole one morning, don’t hesitate to have it checked out. Children are especially susceptible to burns and sun damage, but adults should prefer an early diagnosis for anything out of the ordinary. Early treatment is the single best response to any cancer-related issue. People who have experienced sun damage in their lives are more vulnerable to skin cancer, so check with a doctor routinely.

Be aware of existing interactions

There are lots of different medications, supplements and cosmetic products that make your skin more prone to sun damage. Retinols, antibiotics, antidepressants, anti-diabetic drugs and various cancer treatment protocols make you extra sensitive to UV rays. Ask your doctor about your existing medication and how they interact with skin sensitivity.

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Find cosmetic products that are non-comedogenic- ones that don’t clog your pores. Use alternatives such as powder sunscreen in lieu of regular sunscreen. Other cosmetics contain alpha hydroxyl acids that increase the likelihood of sunburn.

Know how to treat burns

In the event you do ever get a sunburn, a nice cool shower can help relieve the pain. Pat yourself dry after you attend to the area and apply moisturizer to trap the moisture in your skin. Brands that contain aloe vera are fantastic at treating all kinds of burns.

In case of serious sunburns, you’ll want to go with an over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream along with a blood thinner. The cream tackles the sun damage while the blood thinner reduces the swelling, redness, and any inflammation that might occur.

You’ll need plenty of healthy lean proteins to fix your tissues and lots of vitamin A and C to help form the new skin tissue.

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