The Double Gable Eichler Remodel project was envisioned and designed by a firm called Klopf Architecture, and it can be found within the city of Burlingame in San Francisco, California. This contemporary and luxurious home was built in direct collaboration with the owners and flaunts a welcoming and comfortable interior design as well as a spectacular exterior layout that has the potential to impress at a glance.
The collaboration between the owners and the experts at Klopf Architecture resulted in a highly efficient division of labor, which means that the architects were charged with designing and modeling the laundry areas and the bathrooms while the owner was in charge of the decorations. Flaunting a distinct minimalistic feel throughout, the home involves crisp white walls, contemporary furnishings and high quality finishes that give off a sense of wellness and comfort. Outside, a courtyard tempts with memorable moments of relaxation that can be enjoyed in full thanks to a series of special lounging areas.
Photos by Mariko Reed